Friday, October 3, 2008

Flight of the Butterfly...

It is fall, my second most favorite season. Spring is the first, when the world comes to life, but Fall has that special place in my heart as being almost as beautiful. The monarch butterfly is one of the main reasons I love fall so much. Living here in Texas, I get a front row seat to the annual Monarch butterfly migration. They come through this area on their way to Mexico. I can sit outside and view these beautiful guys fluttering over my yard. I can count them by the hundreds if I sat there long enough. The fly hundreds of miles to get to their mating grounds. It is amazing that these little bugs, can travel as far as they do, following the sun.

The reason I am blogging about them, is because in my life, my growth has resembled a butterflies. I was born, a little egg, on the leaf of the world. Forming into a caterpillar.

My whole childhood was of growing and eating, gathering as much knowledge as I could. I ate knowledge like a caterpillar eats leaves. I grew and grew until my body was taunt and rolly-polly.

There comes to my teenage years. I formed my chrysallis. My cocoon. I became a recluse, rolled into my hard shell, unable to cope with the world. Life almost seemed to pass me by, but I was growing and changing, turning myself into something beautiful.

Then the shell cracked. I met my husband, had my son and we moved to Texas. The shell was broken and I emerged. An adult, I never though I would acutally think of myself as an adult, but now I do. I am a mother, a friend and a wife. I am very happy, to tell you the truth. I have a goal in life, I have a purpose. No longer am I in my shell of self-doubt and loathing. I love myself and everything about me. I love The Man and my beautiful son. He is the caterpillar now, eating and soaking up the knowledge he will need in life. And I will be his leaf. One day, I will see him become a beautiful butterfly.

My flight has left me changed, a wonderous person. My life is a good one. This butterfly has found home.


Anonymous said...

Nice post.

I'd love to see that butterfly migration. I didn't know they did that.