Monday, December 1, 2008

This is the end,,,

Well folks. I am done I think. I have nothing to blog about, nothing but the same old shit. I have nothing but Drama Llama things to say and I have hardly any readers. It took me about 2 weeks to get a comment on my last post... so this is it.

I have other avenues for therapy, and I will keep up with everyone else. To the people who did read my blog, thank you. It gave me a breath of life outside my little world, and you made me feel important. So I am going to keep the blog up, in case I ever feel like posting again.

I love you all, and hopefully, I won't never blog again, but it will be a while.

Peas out, and much love.

Mama Mclain


Anonymous said...

well, good luck to you. I liked checking in occassionally, but the blogging thing is like a life eater. haha You blog about life, then blogging becomes life, and then you have no life to blog about anymore. haha

I love the template btw. Very pretty.