Friday, August 22, 2008

Die all of you mother-humping bugs!

So, I have been slowly eaten alive by mosquitoes and ants lately. Texas is the breeding ground for biting, annoying, poisonous, gin-normous bugs. My legs and arms look like the beaches of Normandy after d-day. I am serious! My yard is covered in antish fox holes. This is WAR! As soon as we can afford it, or before I go crazy, I am going to buy some ant killer and kill the fuckers. Right now I am almost to the point of drowning them in gasoline and toasting them to hell. HAHA take that you monster ants! The reason I don't is because my yard is pretty and I don't want scorch marks. But a chick can only take so much. I will be keeping everyone in the loop of the Ant War. Stay tuned. Until then, always carry bug spray, those fuckers are everywhere.


Mo said...

Andro Fire Ant Killa FTW!