Thursday, September 11, 2008

Therapy for the Soul

I love lawnwork. I mean almost crazy about it. Seeing a lawn that is in neglect puts me on edge. everytime I go to my parents house, I mow the lawn for them, for relaxation, and because of my obsessive compulsive nature.

To me it is therapy, a work out and meditation all in one. Let me explain.

Therapy, because I am actually doing something creative, constructive and motivational. When I see the finished product, it fills me with intense pride, and if I need to beat the shit out of something I weed, or chop something up.

A work out, because by the time I am complete, I am dripping sweet, and smell like an 80 year old man who forgets to put on his deoderant. Believe me I know what this smells like. It works my arms, my legs and I clench my tummy and butt while mowing. I glisten from a combination of sweat and sun. The tan is nice too.

Meditation. What do I think about when I mow, my life, and my past? Nope, a sense of inner peace comes over me, and my minds seems to drift and join with the earth, in a state of super karma. As I plant, I feel one with nature, as I feel I am helping her to achieve glory. You are working with the Mother, the one we all came from, our roots if you forgive the pun. I don't believe I am shaping it to my will, but allowing the plants to be at their most healthy and productive. Don't even get me started on veggies, being able to feed myself and my family, from things that I helped grow, is an amazing feeling. And when I am done, all of the stress and meloncholy I felt before has drifted away.

Lawnwork and gardening is therapy for the soul. A kind of Green Zen. Inner peace and self relaxation. Buddah, Mother Nature, and all the other guys would be proud.